Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Saturday 8th November 2008- Trust Building- Activities

"You can learn more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation"

Our Saturday group session was broken into two parts, in the first part we concentrated on Trust Building. This was our first activity:

-The "Trust Lean"

The girls were paired up according to height and weight. One assumed the position of "catcher" and the other that of "faller". The faller crosses her arms across her chest with her palms resting on her shoulders, and with eyes closed falls back, trusting that her partner will catch her. After 10 mins, the roles are reversed.

Although it sounds easy, the reality is quite different as it goes against basic instinct to "allow" yourself to fall. After twenty minutes I still did not have a pair who performed this exercise without "cheating'- you're not supposed to bend your knees.

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